Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church - Capitol Heights

5806 Crown Street Capitol Heights Md 20743-2005

INCORPORATED Company Number: D00225326 Age: 58 years Corporation

Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church Overview

Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church is a Corporation from Capitol Heights in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church has the Maryland company number D00225326. It was incorporated 58 years ago on 21st November 1966.

You can find Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church main office at 5806 Crown Street, Capitol Heights Md 20743-2005. The agent of Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church is Pastor Lorenzo Lyons, with registered office at 2416 Keyberry Lane Bowie Md 20715.

Check other Congregational companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church

Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church

Register Information of Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church

Entity TitleCongregational Methodist Episcopal Church
State IDD00225326
Business TypeCorporation
State CodeChurch
Business ConditionIncorporated
Stock StatusNonstock
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date1966-11-21
Createdfifty-eight years, one month and twelve days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is In Good Standing

Agent of Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church

NamePastor Lorenzo Lyons
Address2416 Keyberry Lane Bowie Md 20715

Address and Map of Congregational Methodist Episcopal Church

5806 Crown Street, Capitol Heights Md 20743-2005

38° 53' 21" N | 76° 54' 25.1" W