Klein The Tailor, Inc.

FORFEITED Company Number: D00266841 Age: 41 years Corporation

Klein The Tailor, Inc. Overview

Klein The Tailor, Inc. is a Corporation from Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Klein The Tailor, Inc. has the Maryland company number D00266841. It was incorporated 41 years ago on 6th October 1983.

Check other Klein companies in Maryland.

Register Information of Klein The Tailor, Inc.

Entity TitleKlein The Tailor, Inc.
State IDD00266841
Business TypeCorporation
State CodeOrdinary Business - Stock
Business ConditionForfeited
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date1983-10-06
Createdfourty-one years, two months and twenty-six days ago

Agent of Klein The Tailor, Inc.

Name no data
Addressno data

Address and Map of Klein The Tailor, Inc.