Sled, Incorporated
FORFEITED Company Number: D00461533 Age: 46 years Corporation
Sled, Incorporated Overview
Sled, Incorporated is a Corporation from Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Sled, Incorporated has the Maryland company number D00461533. It was incorporated 46 years ago on 8th March 1978.Check other Sled companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Sled, Incorporated
Entity Title | Sled, Incorporated |
State | MD |
State ID | D00461533 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 1978-03-08 |
Created | fourty-six years, nine months and twenty-six days ago |
Agent of Sled, Incorporated
Name | no data |
Address | no data |
Address of Sled, Incorporated
Map for Sled, Incorporated
Other "sled" companies
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