Playtime, Inc.
Jack C. Carey 4710 Auth Place, Camp Spring, Md 20023
FORFEITED Company Number: D00486472 Age: 51 years CorporationPlaytime, Inc. Overview
Playtime, Inc. is a Corporation from Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Playtime, Inc. has the Maryland company number D00486472. It was incorporated 51 years ago on 2nd January 1974.You can find Playtime, Inc. main office at Jack C. Carey, 4710 Auth Place,, Camp Spring, Md 20023. The agent of Playtime, Inc. is Jack C. Carey, with registered office at 4710 Auth Place, Suite 520 Camp Spring, Md 20023.
Check other Playtime companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Playtime, Inc.
Entity Title | Playtime, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D00486472 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 1974-01-02 |
Created | fifty-one years, seven days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Playtime, Inc.
Name | Jack C. Carey |
Address | 4710 Auth Place, Suite 520 Camp Spring, Md 20023 |
Address of Playtime, Inc.
Jack C. Carey, 4710 Auth Place,, Camp Spring, Md 20023Map for Playtime, Inc.
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