Perring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated
1951 E. Joppa Road Perring Plaza Shopping Ctr. Baltimore Md 00000
FORFEITED Company Number: D01312818 Age: 43 years CorporationPerring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated Overview
Perring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated is a Corporation from Parkville in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Perring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated has the Maryland company number D01312818. It was incorporated 43 years ago on 31st August 1981.You can find Perring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated main office at 1951 E. Joppa Road, Perring Plaza Shopping Ctr., Baltimore Md 00000. The agent of Perring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated is Paul G. Henderson, with registered office at The Quadrangle, Ste. 328 Village Of Cross Keys Baltimore Md 21210.
Check other Perring companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Perring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated
Entity Title | Perring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated |
State | MD |
State ID | D01312818 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 1981-08-31 |
Created | fourty-three years, four months and five days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Perring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated
Name | Paul G. Henderson |
Address | The Quadrangle, Ste. 328 Village Of Cross Keys Baltimore Md 21210 |
Address of Perring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated
1951 E. Joppa Road, Perring Plaza Shopping Ctr., Baltimore Md 0000039° 23' 49.3" N | 76° 32' 40.9" W
Map for Perring Plaza Warehouse Foods, Incorporated
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