Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A.

Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R. 3408 Carriage Hill Circle Randallstown Md 21133

FORFEITED Company Number: D01649441 Age: 41 years Corporation

Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A. Overview

Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A. is a Corporation from Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A. has the Maryland company number D01649441. It was incorporated 41 years ago on 19th December 1983.

You can find Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A. main office at Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., 3408 Carriage Hill Circle, Randallstown Md 21133. The agent of Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A. is Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., with registered office at 3408 Carriage Hill Circle Ste. G1 Randallstown Md 21133.

Check other Virginia companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A.

Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A.

Register Information of Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A.

Entity TitleVirginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A.
State IDD01649441
Business TypeCorporation
State CodeProfessional
Business ConditionForfeited
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date1983-12-19
Createdfourty-one years, fourteen days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is Not In Good Standing

Agent of Virginia A. Moratz, O.T.R., P.A.

NameVirginia A. Moratz, O.T.R.
Address3408 Carriage Hill Circle Ste. G1 Randallstown Md 21133