Claridge, Inc.
C/O William Sowers 1200 North Charles Street Baltimore Md 21201
FORFEITED Company Number: D02041457 Age: 39 years CorporationClaridge, Inc. Overview
Claridge, Inc. is a Corporation from Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Claridge, Inc. has the Maryland company number D02041457. It was incorporated 39 years ago on 4th December 1985.You can find Claridge, Inc. main office at C/O William Sowers, 1200 North Charles Street, Baltimore Md 21201. The agent of Claridge, Inc. is Bowen P. Weisheit, with registered office at 210 North Charles Street Baltimore Md 21201.
Check other Claridge companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Claridge, Inc.
Entity Title | Claridge, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D02041457 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 1985-12-04 |
Created | thirty-nine years, twenty-eight days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Claridge, Inc.
Name | Bowen P. Weisheit |
Address | 210 North Charles Street Baltimore Md 21201 |
Address of Claridge, Inc.
C/O William Sowers, 1200 North Charles Street, Baltimore Md 21201Map for Claridge, Inc.
Other "claridge" companies
- Claridge Corporation
7803 Cypress Landing Severn Md 21144 - Claridge, Inc.
16 Shore Road Sparrows Point Md 21219 - Claridge Manor Group, L.L.C.
1400 Forest Glen Court Baltimore Md 21228 - Claridge Group, Llc
6363 Claridge Drive, North Frederick County Md 21701 - Claridge Capital Corp.
2001 Butterfield Rd., 8Th Floor Downers Grove Il 60515 - Claridge Road, Limited Liability Company
11608 Elkin St Silver Spring Md 20902 - Claridge Towers Development Corporation
300 East Joppa Road Towson Md 21286