Dolphin Restaurant, Inc.
Caine Real Estate 53Rd Street And Coastal Highway Ocean City, Md 21842
FORFEITED Company Number: D02054138 Age: 39 years CorporationDolphin Restaurant, Inc. Overview
Dolphin Restaurant, Inc. is a Corporation from Ocean City in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Dolphin Restaurant, Inc. has the Maryland company number D02054138. It was incorporated 39 years ago on 26th December 1985.You can find Dolphin Restaurant, Inc. main office at Caine Real Estate, 53Rd Street And Coastal Highway, Ocean City, Md 21842. The agent of Dolphin Restaurant, Inc. is Caine Real Estate, with registered office at 53Rd Street And Coastal Highway Ocean City, Md 21842.
Check other Dolphin companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Dolphin Restaurant, Inc.
Entity Title | Dolphin Restaurant, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D02054138 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 1985-12-26 |
Created | thirty-nine years, ten days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Dolphin Restaurant, Inc.
Name | Caine Real Estate |
Address | 53Rd Street And Coastal Highway Ocean City, Md 21842 |
Address of Dolphin Restaurant, Inc.
Caine Real Estate, 53Rd Street And Coastal Highway, Ocean City, Md 2184238° 25' 36.3" N | 75° 3' 23.3" W
Map for Dolphin Restaurant, Inc.
Other "dolphin" companies
- Dolphin Associates, Inc.
2800 Hawkins Point Road Baltimore Md 21226 - Dolphin Aquatics, Inc.
213 Water Street Gaithersburg Md 20877 - Dolphin Beach, Inc.
13 71St St Ocean City Md 21842 - Dolphin Bay, Inc.
9006 Mediterranean Drive Ocean City Md 21842 - Dolphin Cafe, Inc.
307-311 Dolphin Street Baltimore Md 21217 - Dolphin Club Condominum, Inc.
- Dolphin Cleaning Enterprises Too. Inc.
P.O. Box 6333 Clearwater Fl 33758 - Dolphin Construction, Inc.
27 Ritchfield Ct. Rockville Md 20850 - Dolphin Construction Company
Michael G. Cappy 12610 Coastal Highway Ocean City Md 21842 - Dolphin Communications, Inc.
David Kruger 618 Kenbrook Drive Silver Spring Md 20902
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