Ar Designs, Ltd.
Adrianne Selzer 419 Watts Branch Way Rockville Md 20854
INCORPORATED Company Number: D02389583 Age: 37 years CorporationAr Designs, Ltd. Overview
Ar Designs, Ltd. is a Corporation from Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Ar Designs, Ltd. has the Maryland company number D02389583. It was incorporated 37 years ago on 3rd August 1987.You can find Ar Designs, Ltd. main office at Adrianne Selzer, 419 Watts Branch Way, Rockville Md 20854. The agent of Ar Designs, Ltd. is Adrianne Selzer, with registered office at 419 Watts Branch Way Rockville Md 20854.
Check other Ar companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Ar Designs, Ltd.
Entity Title | Ar Designs, Ltd. |
State | MD |
State ID | D02389583 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Incorporated |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | No Close |
Start Date | 1987-08-03 |
Created | thirty-seven years, five months ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Ar Designs, Ltd.
Name | Adrianne Selzer |
Address | 419 Watts Branch Way Rockville Md 20854 |
Address of Ar Designs, Ltd.
Adrianne Selzer, 419 Watts Branch Way, Rockville Md 20854Map for Ar Designs, Ltd.
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