Rams Marketing Maryland Inc.

20 Charles Street Suite 1200 Baltimore Md 21201

FORFEITED Company Number: D02473460 Age: 37 years Corporation

Rams Marketing Maryland Inc. Overview

Rams Marketing Maryland Inc. is a Corporation from Baltimore in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Rams Marketing Maryland Inc. has the Maryland company number D02473460. It was incorporated 37 years ago on 28th December 1987.

You can find Rams Marketing Maryland Inc. main office at 20 Charles Street, Suite 1200, Baltimore Md 21201. The agent of Rams Marketing Maryland Inc. is United Corporate Services, Inc., with registered office at 20 Charles Street Suite 1200 Baltimore Md 21201.

Check other Rams companies in Maryland.

Register Information of Rams Marketing Maryland Inc.

Entity Title Rams Marketing Maryland Inc.
State MD
State ID D02473460
Business Type Corporation
State Code Ordinary Business - Stock
Business Condition Forfeited
Stock Status Stock
Close Status No Close
Start Date 1987-12-28
Created thirty-seven years, four days ago
Good Standing This Business Is Not In Good Standing

Agent of Rams Marketing Maryland Inc.

Name United Corporate Services, Inc.
Address 20 Charles Street Suite 1200 Baltimore Md 21201

Address of Rams Marketing Maryland Inc.

20 Charles Street, Suite 1200, Baltimore Md 21201

34 companies at this address

39° 17' 18.5" N | 76° 36' 56.2" W

Map for Rams Marketing Maryland Inc.

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