Baltic Construction, Inc.
3112 Lee Street Silver Spring Md 20910
INCORPORATED Company Number: D02523306 Age: 36 years CorporationBaltic Construction, Inc. Overview
Baltic Construction, Inc. is a Corporation from Silver Spring in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Baltic Construction, Inc. has the Maryland company number D02523306. It was incorporated 36 years ago on 2nd March 1988.You can find Baltic Construction, Inc. main office at 3112 Lee Street, Silver Spring Md 20910. The agent of Baltic Construction, Inc. is Janusz Polinski, with registered office at 3112 Lee Street Silver Spring Md 20910.
Check other Baltic companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Baltic Construction, Inc.
Entity Title | Baltic Construction, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D02523306 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Non-Stock |
Business Condition | Incorporated |
Stock Status | Nonstock |
Close Status | Close |
Start Date | 1988-03-02 |
Created | thirty-six years, ten months ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Baltic Construction, Inc.
Name | Janusz Polinski |
Address | 3112 Lee Street Silver Spring Md 20910 |
Address of Baltic Construction, Inc.
3112 Lee Street, Silver Spring Md 209102 companies at this address
39° 1' 17.3" N | 77° 3' 50.3" W
Map for Baltic Construction, Inc.
Other "baltic" companies
- Baltic Corporation
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1109 N. Main Street Mt Airy Md 21771 - Baltic Associates, Inc.
Po Box 452 Bel Air Md 21014 - Baltic America Services, Inc.
39 Broadway, 14Th Floor New York Ny 10006 - Baltic Capital Concepts Llc
Suite 103 10601 Weymouth Street Bethesda Md 20814 - Baltic Builders, Inc.
Alfred Goldschmidts, 10007 Grant Ave. Silver Spring Md 20910 - Baltic Distributors, Llc
1424 W. Mt. Royal Ave. #4 Baltimore Md 21217 - Baltic Custom Construction, Inc
8 Havenfield Dr. Baltimore Md 21234 - Baltic Gold Llc
7215 Barnett Rd. Bethesda Md 20817
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