Papers Plus, Ltd. - Pikesville

1328-A Reisterstown Rd. Baltimore Md 21208

FORFEITED Company Number: D02700458 Age: 36 years Corporation

Papers Plus, Ltd. Overview

Papers Plus, Ltd. is a Corporation from Pikesville in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Papers Plus, Ltd. has the Maryland company number D02700458. It was incorporated 36 years ago on 21st December 1988.

You can find Papers Plus, Ltd. main office at 1328-A Reisterstown Rd., Baltimore Md 21208. The agent of Papers Plus, Ltd. is Fern Schwartzberg, with registered office at 1328-A Reisterstown Rd. Baltimore Md 21208.

Check other Papers companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Papers Plus, Ltd.

Papers Plus, Ltd.

Register Information of Papers Plus, Ltd.

Entity TitlePapers Plus, Ltd.
State IDD02700458
Business TypeCorporation
State CodeOrdinary Business - Stock
Business ConditionForfeited
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusClose
Start Date1988-12-21
Createdthirty-six years, nine days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is Not In Good Standing

Agent of Papers Plus, Ltd.

NameFern Schwartzberg
Address1328-A Reisterstown Rd. Baltimore Md 21208

Address and Map of Papers Plus, Ltd.

1328-A Reisterstown Rd., Baltimore Md 21208

39° 22' 32.6" N | 76° 43' 28.8" W