Bannister Associates, Inc.
222 Severn Avenue Annapolis Md 21403
FORFEITED Company Number: D02785194 Age: 35 years CorporationBannister Associates, Inc. Overview
Bannister Associates, Inc. is a Corporation from Annapolis in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Bannister Associates, Inc. has the Maryland company number D02785194. It was incorporated 35 years ago on 27th April 1989.You can find Bannister Associates, Inc. main office at 222 Severn Avenue, Annapolis Md 21403. The agent of Bannister Associates, Inc. is George O. Sparks, Jr., with registered office at 3407 Sams Creek Road New Windsor Md 21776.
Check other Bannister companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Bannister Associates, Inc.
Entity Title | Bannister Associates, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D02785194 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | No Close |
Start Date | 1989-04-27 |
Created | thirty-five years, seven months and thirty days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Bannister Associates, Inc.
Name | George O. Sparks, Jr. |
Address | 3407 Sams Creek Road New Windsor Md 21776 |
Address of Bannister Associates, Inc.
222 Severn Avenue, Annapolis Md 2140315 companies at this address
38° 58' 21.1" N | 76° 28' 52" W
Map for Bannister Associates, Inc.
Other "bannister" companies
- Bannister Associates Limited Partnership
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8302 Condy Court Clinton Md 20735 - Bannister Neighborhood Association, Inc.
1001 Armes Drive Waldorf Md 20601 - Bannister Women'S Club, Inc.
- Bannister Square Homeowners Association, Inc.
1001 Armes Drive, P.O.Box 985 Waldorf Md 20602
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