Cable Concepts Corporation
9100 Roundleaf Way Gaithersburg Md 20879
FORFEITED Company Number: D03060126 Age: 34 years CorporationCable Concepts Corporation Overview
Cable Concepts Corporation is a Corporation from Gaithersburg in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Cable Concepts Corporation has the Maryland company number D03060126. It was incorporated 34 years ago on 1st August 1990.You can find Cable Concepts Corporation main office at 9100 Roundleaf Way, Gaithersburg Md 20879. The agent of Cable Concepts Corporation is John R. Devitt, with registered office at 8945 Guilford Road, Ste. 185 Columbia Md 21046.
Check other Cable companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Cable Concepts Corporation
Entity Title | Cable Concepts Corporation |
State | MD |
State ID | D03060126 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | No Close |
Start Date | 1990-08-01 |
Created | thirty-four years, four months and twenty-five days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Cable Concepts Corporation
Name | John R. Devitt |
Address | 8945 Guilford Road, Ste. 185 Columbia Md 21046 |
Address of Cable Concepts Corporation
9100 Roundleaf Way, Gaithersburg Md 208792 companies at this address
39° 11' 1" N | 77° 11' 11" W
Map for Cable Concepts Corporation
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