Cmr Design/Remodeling, Inc. - Bowie

14512 Clover Hill Terr Bowie Md 20720

INCORPORATED Company Number: D03247038 Age: 33 years Corporation

Cmr Design/Remodeling, Inc. Overview

Cmr Design/Remodeling, Inc. is a Corporation from Bowie in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Cmr Design/Remodeling, Inc. has the Maryland company number D03247038. It was incorporated 33 years ago on 5th July 1991.

You can find Cmr Design/Remodeling, Inc. main office at 14512 Clover Hill Terr, Bowie Md 20720. The agent of Cmr Design/Remodeling, Inc. is Timothy P. O'Brien, Esq., with registered office at 6404 Ivy Lane, Ste. 400 Greenbelt Md 20770.

Check other Cmr companies in Maryland.

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Cmr Design/Remodeling, Inc.

Register Information of Cmr Design/Remodeling, Inc.

Entity TitleCmr Design/Remodeling, Inc.
State IDD03247038
Business TypeCorporation
State CodeOrdinary Business - Stock
Business ConditionIncorporated
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusClose
Start Date1991-07-05
Createdthirty-three years, six months ago
Good StandingThis Business Is In Good Standing

Agent of Cmr Design/Remodeling, Inc.

NameTimothy P. O'Brien, Esq.
Address6404 Ivy Lane, Ste. 400 Greenbelt Md 20770

Address and Map of Cmr Design/Remodeling, Inc.

14512 Clover Hill Terr, Bowie Md 20720

38° 57' 15.2" N | 76° 45' 10.3" W