Starfire Muse, Inc.
6439 Clifton Forge Circle Catonsville Md 21228
FORFEITED Company Number: D03290095 Age: 33 years CorporationStarfire Muse, Inc. Overview
Starfire Muse, Inc. is a Corporation from Catonsville in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Starfire Muse, Inc. has the Maryland company number D03290095. It was incorporated 33 years ago on 20th September 1991.You can find Starfire Muse, Inc. main office at 6439 Clifton Forge Circle, Catonsville Md 21228. The agent of Starfire Muse, Inc. is Philip A. Esserwein, with registered office at 6439 Clifton Forge Circle Catonsville Md 21228.
Check other Starfire companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Starfire Muse, Inc.
Entity Title | Starfire Muse, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D03290095 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | No Close |
Start Date | 1991-09-20 |
Created | thirty-three years, three months and fourteen days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Starfire Muse, Inc.
Name | Philip A. Esserwein |
Address | 6439 Clifton Forge Circle Catonsville Md 21228 |
Address of Starfire Muse, Inc.
6439 Clifton Forge Circle, Catonsville Md 212282 companies at this address
39° 17' 40.3" N | 76° 45' 25.7" W
Map for Starfire Muse, Inc.
Other "starfire" companies
- Starfire Solar Systems, Inc.
- Starfires Baton & Pom Academy, Inc.
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6439 Clifton Forge Circle Catonsville Md 21228 - Starfire Marketing Group, Inc.
- Starfire Information Systems, Inc.
1504 Faulkner Ridge Center Columbia Md 21044 - Starfire Entertainment, Inc.
421 St Lawrence Dr Silver Spring Md 20901 - Starfire Diamonds & Gems, Inc.
Suite I-109 1207 Liberty Road Eldersburg Md 21784 - Starfire Designs, Incorporated
259 Congressinal Ln - Ste. 411 Rockville Md 20852
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