Autobody Dimensions, Inc.
7559 Rickenbacker Drive Gaithersburg Md 20879
INCORPORATED Company Number: D03421922 Age: 32 years CorporationAutobody Dimensions, Inc. Overview
Autobody Dimensions, Inc. is a Corporation from Gaithersburg in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Autobody Dimensions, Inc. has the Maryland company number D03421922. It was incorporated 32 years ago on 28th April 1992.You can find Autobody Dimensions, Inc. main office at 7559 Rickenbacker Drive, Gaithersburg Md 20879. The agent of Autobody Dimensions, Inc. is The Corporate Services Company, with registered office at 11840 Beekman Place Potomac Md 20854.
Check other Autobody companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Autobody Dimensions, Inc.
Entity Title | Autobody Dimensions, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D03421922 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Incorporated |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Close |
Start Date | 1992-04-28 |
Created | thirty-two years, seven months and four days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Autobody Dimensions, Inc.
Name | The Corporate Services Company |
Address | 11840 Beekman Place Potomac Md 20854 |
Address of Autobody Dimensions, Inc.
7559 Rickenbacker Drive, Gaithersburg Md 208793 companies at this address
39° 10' 25.1" N | 77° 9' 14.8" W
Map for Autobody Dimensions, Inc.
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