Keystone Appraisal, Inc.
2101 Westfield Av Baltimore Md 21214
FORFEITED Company Number: D03774874 Age: 31 years CorporationKeystone Appraisal, Inc. Overview
Keystone Appraisal, Inc. is a Corporation from Baltimore in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Keystone Appraisal, Inc. has the Maryland company number D03774874. It was incorporated 31 years ago on 22nd November 1993.You can find Keystone Appraisal, Inc. main office at 2101 Westfield Av, Baltimore Md 21214. The agent of Keystone Appraisal, Inc. is Floyd Dante Zanchetta, with registered office at 2101 Westfield Av Baltimore Md 21214.
Check other Keystone companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Keystone Appraisal, Inc.
Entity Title | Keystone Appraisal, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D03774874 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Close |
Start Date | 1993-11-22 |
Created | thirty-one years, one month and seven days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Keystone Appraisal, Inc.
Name | Floyd Dante Zanchetta |
Address | 2101 Westfield Av Baltimore Md 21214 |
Address of Keystone Appraisal, Inc.
2101 Westfield Av, Baltimore Md 2121439° 21' 52" N | 76° 34' 18.2" W
Map for Keystone Appraisal, Inc.
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