Mighty Clean, Inc.
247 Asbury Road Pasadena Md 21122
FORFEITED Company Number: D04092144 Age: 29 years CorporationMighty Clean, Inc. Overview
Mighty Clean, Inc. is a Corporation from Pasadena in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Mighty Clean, Inc. has the Maryland company number D04092144. It was incorporated 29 years ago on 2nd March 1995.You can find Mighty Clean, Inc. main office at 247 Asbury Road, Pasadena Md 21122. The agent of Mighty Clean, Inc. is Richard N. Foltz, Iii, Esquire, with registered office at 11 Ivy Bridge Court Reisterstown Md 21136-5952.
Check other Mighty companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Mighty Clean, Inc.
Entity Title | Mighty Clean, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D04092144 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Close |
Start Date | 1995-03-02 |
Created | twenty-nine years, nine months and twenty-eight days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Mighty Clean, Inc.
Name | Richard N. Foltz, Iii, Esquire |
Address | 11 Ivy Bridge Court Reisterstown Md 21136-5952 |
Address of Mighty Clean, Inc.
247 Asbury Road, Pasadena Md 211222 companies at this address
39° 9' 45" N | 76° 30' 12.1" W
Map for Mighty Clean, Inc.
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