Gb Mall Ii, Inc.
4912 Del Ray Avenue Bethesda Md 20814
REVIVED Company Number: D04347167 Age: 28 years CorporationGb Mall Ii, Inc. Overview
Gb Mall Ii, Inc. is a Corporation from Bethesda in Maryland, United States. The company is Revived. Gb Mall Ii, Inc. has the Maryland company number D04347167. It was incorporated 28 years ago on 4th March 1996.You can find Gb Mall Ii, Inc. main office at 4912 Del Ray Avenue, Bethesda Md 20814. The agent of Gb Mall Ii, Inc. is Frederic K. Wine, with registered office at 4912 Del Ray Avenue Bethesda Md 20814.
Check other Gb companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Gb Mall Ii, Inc.
Entity Title | Gb Mall Ii, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D04347167 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Revived |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | No Close |
Start Date | 1996-03-04 |
Created | twenty-eight years, nine months and twenty-two days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Gb Mall Ii, Inc.
Name | Frederic K. Wine |
Address | 4912 Del Ray Avenue Bethesda Md 20814 |
Address of Gb Mall Ii, Inc.
4912 Del Ray Avenue, Bethesda Md 2081453 companies at this address
38° 59' 21.5" N | 77° 5' 56.3" W
Map for Gb Mall Ii, Inc.
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Gregorio Buitrago 4277 Howard Avenue Kensington Md 20895 - Gb Business Consulting Associates, Llc
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1304 Harmony Lane Annapolis Md 21409
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