Abros Contracting, Inc. - Gaithersburg

10833 Eberhardt Drive Gaithersburg Md 20879

DISSOLVED Company Number: D04752358 Age: 27 years Corporation

Abros Contracting, Inc. Overview

Abros Contracting, Inc. is a Corporation from Gaithersburg in Maryland, United States. The company is Dissolved. Abros Contracting, Inc. has the Maryland company number D04752358. It was incorporated 27 years ago on 4th August 1997.

You can find Abros Contracting, Inc. main office at 10833 Eberhardt Drive, Gaithersburg Md 20879. The agent of Abros Contracting, Inc. is Ganesan And Associates, Inc., with registered office at 8808 Colesville Road Silver Spring Md 20910.

Check other Abros companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Abros Contracting, Inc.

Abros Contracting, Inc.

Register Information of Abros Contracting, Inc.

Entity TitleAbros Contracting, Inc.
State IDD04752358
Business TypeCorporation
State CodeOrdinary Business - Stock
Business ConditionDissolved
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusNo Close
Start Date1997-08-04
Createdtwenty-seven years, four months and twenty-seven days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is Not In Good Standing

Agent of Abros Contracting, Inc.

NameGanesan And Associates, Inc.
Address8808 Colesville Road Silver Spring Md 20910

Address and Map of Abros Contracting, Inc.

10833 Eberhardt Drive, Gaithersburg Md 20879

39° 10' 6.3" N | 77° 13' 23.7" W