Maritime Plastics, Inc.
528 Second Street Annapolis Md 21403
INCORPORATED Company Number: D04902342 Age: 26 years CorporationMaritime Plastics, Inc. Overview
Maritime Plastics, Inc. is a Corporation from Annapolis in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Maritime Plastics, Inc. has the Maryland company number D04902342. It was incorporated 26 years ago on 30th January 1998.You can find Maritime Plastics, Inc. main office at 528 Second Street, Annapolis Md 21403. The agent of Maritime Plastics, Inc. is Alexander Tasi, with registered office at 528 Second Street Annapolis Md 21403.
Check other Maritime companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Maritime Plastics, Inc.
Entity Title | Maritime Plastics, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D04902342 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Incorporated |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Close |
Start Date | 1998-01-30 |
Created | twenty-six years, ten months and twenty-nine days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Maritime Plastics, Inc.
Name | Alexander Tasi |
Address | 528 Second Street Annapolis Md 21403 |
Address of Maritime Plastics, Inc.
528 Second Street, Annapolis Md 214032 companies at this address
38° 58' 14.4" N | 76° 28' 43.3" W
Map for Maritime Plastics, Inc.
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