Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc. - Annapolis

22 Beacon Court Annapolis Md 21403

FORFEITED Company Number: D05017454 Age: 26 years Corporation

Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc. Overview

Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc. is a Corporation from Annapolis in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc. has the Maryland company number D05017454. It was incorporated 26 years ago on 12th June 1998.

You can find Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc. main office at 22 Beacon Court, Annapolis Md 21403. The agent of Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc. is Csc-Lawyers Incorporating Service, with registered office at 11 East Chase Street Baltimore Md 21202.

Check other Chesapeake companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc.

Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc.

Register Information of Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc.

Entity TitleChesapeake Technology Partners Inc.
State IDD05017454
Business TypeCorporation
State CodeOrdinary Business - Stock
Business ConditionForfeited
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusNo Close
Start Date1998-06-12
Createdtwenty-six years, six months and fourteen days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is Not In Good Standing

Agent of Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc.

NameCsc-Lawyers Incorporating Service
Address11 East Chase Street Baltimore Md 21202

Address and Map of Chesapeake Technology Partners Inc.

22 Beacon Court, Annapolis Md 21403

38° 57' 4" N | 76° 30' 40.8" W