Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co. - Marlow Heights

4615 Dallas Place, Apt. 101 Temple Hills Md 20748

FORFEITED Company Number: D05942834 Age: 24 years Corporation

Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co. Overview

Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co. is a Corporation from Marlow Heights in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co. has the Maryland company number D05942834. It was incorporated 24 years ago on 22nd August 2000.

You can find Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co. main office at 4615 Dallas Place, Apt. 101, Temple Hills Md 20748. The agent of Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co. is Daniel Cassells, with registered office at 4615 Dallas Place, Apt. 101 Temple Hills Md 20748.

Check other Mastermind companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co.

Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co.

Register Information of Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co.

Entity TitleMastermind Enterprises, Vending Co.
State IDD05942834
Business TypeCorporation
State CodeOrdinary Business - Stock
Business ConditionForfeited
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusClose
Start Date2000-08-22
Createdtwenty-four years, four months and six days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is Not In Good Standing

Agent of Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co.

NameDaniel Cassells
Address4615 Dallas Place, Apt. 101 Temple Hills Md 20748

Address and Map of Mastermind Enterprises, Vending Co.

4615 Dallas Place, Apt. 101, Temple Hills Md 20748

38° 49' 33.3" N | 76° 56' 53.4" W