Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc.
Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc. 643 Weller Dr Mt. Airy Md 21771
INCORPORATED Company Number: D06343560 Age: 23 years CorporationLisbon Machine Tool, Inc. Overview
Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc. is a Corporation from Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc. has the Maryland company number D06343560. It was incorporated 23 years ago on 11th June 2001.You can find Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc. main office at Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc., 643 Weller Dr, Mt. Airy Md 21771. The agent of Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc. is Edward P. Grim, with registered office at 643 Weller Dr Mt. Airy Md 21771.
Check other Lisbon companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc.
Entity Title | Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D06343560 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Incorporated |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | No Close |
Start Date | 2001-06-11 |
Created | twenty-three years, six months and twenty-one days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc.
Name | Edward P. Grim |
Address | 643 Weller Dr Mt. Airy Md 21771 |
Address of Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc.
Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc., 643 Weller Dr, Mt. Airy Md 21771Map for Lisbon Machine Tool, Inc.
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