Mitchell Eye Institute, P.C.
Suite 100 8200 Wisconsin Ave. Bethesda Md 20814
INCORPORATED Company Number: D07020316 Age: 22 years CorporationMitchell Eye Institute, P.C. Overview
Mitchell Eye Institute, P.C. is a Corporation from Bethesda in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Mitchell Eye Institute, P.C. has the Maryland company number D07020316. It was incorporated 22 years ago on 30th September 2002.You can find Mitchell Eye Institute, P.C. main office at Suite 100, 8200 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda Md 20814. The agent of Mitchell Eye Institute, P.C. is Stephen H. Paley, with registered office at 7Th Floor 4800 Hampden Lane Bethesda Md 20814.
Check other Mitchell companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Mitchell Eye Institute, P.C.
Entity Title | Mitchell Eye Institute, P.C. |
State | MD |
State ID | D07020316 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Professional |
Business Condition | Incorporated |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Close |
Start Date | 2002-09-30 |
Created | twenty-two years, three months and one day ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Mitchell Eye Institute, P.C.
Name | Stephen H. Paley |
Address | 7Th Floor 4800 Hampden Lane Bethesda Md 20814 |
Address of Mitchell Eye Institute, P.C.
Suite 100, 8200 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda Md 2081438° 59' 30.8" N | 77° 5' 46.9" W
Map for Mitchell Eye Institute, P.C.
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