2400 Storage, Inc.
11615 1/2 Coastal Highway Ocean City Md 21842
INCORPORATED Company Number: D07256738 Age: 21 years Corporation2400 Storage, Inc. Overview
2400 Storage, Inc. is a Corporation from Ocean City in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. 2400 Storage, Inc. has the Maryland company number D07256738. It was incorporated 21 years ago on 6th March 2003.You can find 2400 Storage, Inc. main office at 11615 1/2 Coastal Highway, Ocean City Md 21842. The agent of 2400 Storage, Inc. is Nolen J. Graves, with registered office at 11615 1/2 Coastal Highway Ocean City Md 21842.
Check other 2400 companies in Maryland.
Register Information of 2400 Storage, Inc.
Entity Title | 2400 Storage, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D07256738 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Incorporated |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Close |
Start Date | 2003-03-06 |
Created | twenty-one years, nine months and eighteen days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of 2400 Storage, Inc.
Name | Nolen J. Graves |
Address | 11615 1/2 Coastal Highway Ocean City Md 21842 |
Address of 2400 Storage, Inc.
11615 1/2 Coastal Highway, Ocean City Md 2184220 companies at this address
38° 25' 19.2" N | 75° 3' 24.7" W
Map for 2400 Storage, Inc.
Other "2400" companies
- 2400 East Katella Avenue Holdings, Llc
Ste. 1660 7 St Paul St. Baltimore Md 21202 - 2400 Brighton Dam Road, L.L.C.
3428 Shady Lane Glenwood Md 21738 - 2400 Eutaw Place, Llc
2400 Eutaw Place Baltimore Md 21217-5187 - 2400 E. Fayette St., Inc.
2400-02 E. Fayette St. Baltimore Md 21224 - 2400 E. Fayette St., Inc.
2400-02 E. Fayette St. Baltimore Md 21224 - 2400 Queens Chapel Associates Limited Partnership
C/O Rfi Associates Artery Plaza, 7200 Wisconsin Ave. Bethesda Md 20814 - 2400 Queens Chapel, Inc.
7200 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1006 Bethesda Md 20814 - 2400 North Point, Llc
11615 1/2 Coastal Highway Ocean City Md 21842 - 2400 Veterans Boulevard Holdings, Llc
Ste. 1660 7 St Paul St. Baltimore Md 21202
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