Town Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc.
7700 Old Branch Avenue E203 Clinton Md 20735
INCORPORATED Company Number: D10319952 Age: 20 years CorporationTown Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc. Overview
Town Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc. is a Corporation from Clinton in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Town Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc. has the Maryland company number D10319952. It was incorporated 20 years ago on 22nd November 2004.You can find Town Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc. main office at 7700 Old Branch Avenue, E203, Clinton Md 20735. The agent of Town Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc. is Blanche Thompson, with registered office at 7700 Old Branch Avenue E203 Clinton Md 20735.
Check other Town companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Town Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc.
Entity Title | Town Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D10319952 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Non-Stock |
Business Condition | Incorporated |
Stock Status | Nonstock |
Close Status | No Close |
Start Date | 2004-11-22 |
Created | twenty years, one month and four days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Town Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc.
Name | Blanche Thompson |
Address | 7700 Old Branch Avenue E203 Clinton Md 20735 |
Address of Town Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc.
7700 Old Branch Avenue, E203, Clinton Md 207354 companies at this address
38° 47' 3.6" N | 76° 53' 49.1" W
Map for Town Center At Camp Springs Homeowners Association, Inc.
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