Goodfellas Trucking, Inc.
7 Yorkmill Court Baltimore Md 21228
FORFEITED Company Number: D11369428 Age: 18 years CorporationGoodfellas Trucking, Inc. Overview
Goodfellas Trucking, Inc. is a Corporation from Catonsville in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Goodfellas Trucking, Inc. has the Maryland company number D11369428. It was incorporated 18 years ago on 27th June 2006.You can find Goodfellas Trucking, Inc. main office at 7 Yorkmill Court, Baltimore Md 21228. The agent of Goodfellas Trucking, Inc. is Terry Glenn, with registered office at 7 Yorkmill Court Baltimore Md 21228.
Check other Goodfellas companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Goodfellas Trucking, Inc.
Entity Title | Goodfellas Trucking, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D11369428 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | No Close |
Start Date | 2006-06-27 |
Created | eighteen years, five months and twenty-nine days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Goodfellas Trucking, Inc.
Name | Terry Glenn |
Address | 7 Yorkmill Court Baltimore Md 21228 |
Address of Goodfellas Trucking, Inc.
7 Yorkmill Court, Baltimore Md 2122839° 17' 57.7" N | 76° 45' 39.8" W
Map for Goodfellas Trucking, Inc.
Other "goodfellas" companies
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Apt 1 710 Lennox St Baltimore Md 21217 - Goodfellas, Inc.
6442 Trussel Oak Ct Linthicum Md 21090 - Goodfellas Inc.
901 N Atlantic Ave. Ocean City Md 21842 - Goodfellas L.L.C.
300 South Conkling Street Baltimore Md 21224 - Goodfellas Italian Pizzaria, Inc.
1300 Old Ocean City Road Salisbury Md 21801 - Goodfellas Pampering Service Llc
6505 Gilmore St. Baltimore Md 21207 - Goodfellas Towing & Recovery Llc
1138 Newcomb Way Baltimore Md 21205 - Goodfellas Cleaning Services Llc
3800 Milford Mill Rd Windsor Mill Md 21244 - Goodfellas Cleaning Llc
3568 June Way Baltimore Md 21213
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