Busy Bee Enterprises, Inc.
864 Wilson Rd N Arnold Md 21012
FORFEITED Company Number: D11487337 Age: 18 years CorporationBusy Bee Enterprises, Inc. Overview
Busy Bee Enterprises, Inc. is a Corporation from Arnold in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Busy Bee Enterprises, Inc. has the Maryland company number D11487337. It was incorporated 18 years ago on 5th September 2006.You can find Busy Bee Enterprises, Inc. main office at 864 Wilson Rd N, Arnold Md 21012. The agent of Busy Bee Enterprises, Inc. is Andrew G Wilson Ii Esquire, with registered office at 275 West St Ste 216 Annapolis Md 21401.
Check other Busy companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Busy Bee Enterprises, Inc.
Entity Title | Busy Bee Enterprises, Inc. |
State | MD |
State ID | D11487337 |
Business Type | Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Close |
Start Date | 2006-09-05 |
Created | eighteen years, three months and twenty days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Busy Bee Enterprises, Inc.
Name | Andrew G Wilson Ii Esquire |
Address | 275 West St Ste 216 Annapolis Md 21401 |
Address of Busy Bee Enterprises, Inc.
864 Wilson Rd N, Arnold Md 210122 companies at this address
39° 3' 45.2" N | 76° 29' 55.4" W
Map for Busy Bee Enterprises, Inc.
Other "busy" companies
- Busy Bee Enterprises Llc
8409 Aynsley Court Frederick Md 21702 - Busy Bee Lawn Care, L.L.C.
8608 Central Ave Landover Md 20785 - Busy Bee Maids, Llc
12906 Crisfield Rd Silver Spring Md 20906 - Busy B Enterprises, Llc
2309 Sandymount Rd. Finksburg Md 21048 - Busy Bee Nursery, Inc.
1660 Dares Beach Road Calvert County Prince Frederick Md 20678 - Busy Bee Lawn Service, Inc.
306 Oxford Drive Glen Burnie Md 21061 - Busy Bee Home Development Llc
3438 Emmerton Rd. #2 Abingdon Md 21009 - Busy Bee Excavating, Llc
305 West Central Avenue Federalsburg Md 21632 - Busy Bee Contractors, Inc.
4913 Greencrest Rd Baltimore Md 21206
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