Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center

Pmb #208 21800 North Shangri La Drive (Unit 3) Lexington Park Md 20653

INCORPORATED Company Number: D13036249 Age: 15 years Corporation

Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center Overview

Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center is a Corporation from Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center has the Maryland company number D13036249. It was incorporated 15 years ago on 4th May 2009.

You can find Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center main office at Pmb #208, 21800 North Shangri La Drive (Unit 3), Lexington Park Md 20653. The agent of Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center is Frank A. Clinton, with registered office at Pmb #208 21800 North Shangri La Drive (Unit 3) Lexington Park Md 20653.

Check other Christ companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center

Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center

Register Information of Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center

Entity TitleChrist Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center
State IDD13036249
Business TypeCorporation
State CodeChurch
Business ConditionIncorporated
Stock StatusNonstock
Close StatusNo Close
Start Date2009-05-04
Createdfifteen years, seven months and nineteen days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is In Good Standing

Agent of Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center

NameFrank A. Clinton
AddressPmb #208 21800 North Shangri La Drive (Unit 3) Lexington Park Md 20653

Address and Map of Christ Together As One Christian Church And Ministries Center