Dr. D-V Inc.

#810 1 E Chase St. Baltimore Md 21202

FORFEITED Company Number: D14178768 Age: 13 years Corporation

Dr. D-V Inc. Overview

Dr. D-V Inc. is a Corporation from Baltimore in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Dr. D-V Inc. has the Maryland company number D14178768. It was incorporated 13 years ago on 22nd June 2011.

You can find Dr. D-V Inc. main office at #810, 1 E Chase St., Baltimore Md 21202. The agent of Dr. D-V Inc. is Dushyant Viswanathan Md, with registered office at #810 1 E Chase St. Baltimore Md 21202.

Check other Dr companies in Maryland.

Register Information of Dr. D-V Inc.

Entity Title Dr. D-V Inc.
State MD
State ID D14178768
Business Type Corporation
State Code Ordinary Business - Stock
Business Condition Forfeited
Stock Status Stock
Close Status No Close
Start Date 2011-06-22
Created thirteen years, six months and two days ago
Good Standing This Business Is Not In Good Standing

Agent of Dr. D-V Inc.

Name Dushyant Viswanathan Md
Address #810 1 E Chase St. Baltimore Md 21202

Address of Dr. D-V Inc.

#810, 1 E Chase St., Baltimore Md 21202

39° 18' 7.8" N | 76° 36' 56.6" W

Map for Dr. D-V Inc.

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