First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association

Charles E. Hearne, Jr. Colonial Bldg. Salisbury Md 00000

INCORPORATED Company Number: F00002147 Age: 71 years Foreign Corporation

First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association Overview

First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association is a Foreign Corporation from Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association has the Maryland company number F00002147. It was incorporated 71 years ago on 2nd December 1953.

You can find First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association main office at Charles E. Hearne, Jr., Colonial Bldg., Salisbury Md 00000. The agent of First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association is Charles E. Hearne, Jr., with registered office at Colonial Bldg. Salisbury Md 00000.

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Connected Companies and People with First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association

First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association

Register Information of First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association

Entity TitleFirst Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association
State IDF00002147
Business TypeForeign Corporation
State CodeSavings Bank, Building And Loan
Business ConditionIncorporated
Stock StatusNonstock
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date1953-12-02
Createdseventy-one years, one month and seven days ago

Agent of First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association

NameCharles E. Hearne, Jr.
AddressColonial Bldg. Salisbury Md 00000

Address and Map of First Shore Federal Savings And Loan Association