Harris Associates, Inc. - New York

350 Fifth Ave. New York 1 Ny 00000

INCORPORATED PRIOR T Company Number: F00011650 Age: 424 years Foreign Corporation

Harris Associates, Inc. Overview

Harris Associates, Inc. is a Foreign Corporation from New York in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated Prior T. Harris Associates, Inc. has the Maryland company number F00011650. It was incorporated 424 years ago on 1st January 1601.

You can find Harris Associates, Inc. main office at 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1 Ny 00000. The agent of Harris Associates, Inc. is Briddell Insurance Agency, Inc., with registered office at 327 Equitable Bldg. Balto. 2 Md 00000.

Check other Harris companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Harris Associates, Inc.

Harris Associates, Inc.

Register Information of Harris Associates, Inc.

Entity TitleHarris Associates, Inc.
State IDF00011650
Business TypeForeign Corporation
State CodeInterstate (Foreign)
Business ConditionIncorporated Prior T
Stock StatusN/A
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date1601-01-01
Createdfour hundred and twenty-four years, three months and seven days ago

Agent of Harris Associates, Inc.

NameBriddell Insurance Agency, Inc.
Address327 Equitable Bldg. Balto. 2 Md 00000

Address and Map of Harris Associates, Inc.

350 Fifth Ave., New York 1 Ny 00000

40° 44' 54.7" N | 73° 59' 8.7" W