Metromedia Steakhouses, Inc.
3661 Salem Ave. Dayton Oh 45406
MERGED Company Number: F00275842 Age: 55 years Foreign CorporationMetromedia Steakhouses, Inc. Overview
Metromedia Steakhouses, Inc. is a Foreign Corporation from Dayton in Maryland, United States. The company is Merged. Metromedia Steakhouses, Inc. has the Maryland company number F00275842. It was incorporated 55 years ago on 27th January 1969.You can find Metromedia Steakhouses, Inc. main office at 3661 Salem Ave., Dayton Oh 45406. The agent of Metromedia Steakhouses, Inc. is The Corporation Trust, with registered office at 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202.
Check other Metromedia companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Metromedia Steakhouses, Inc.
Entity Title | Metromedia Steakhouses, Inc. |
State | DE |
State ID | F00275842 |
Business Type | Foreign Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Merged |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 1969-01-27 |
Created | fifty-five years, eleven months and two days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Metromedia Steakhouses, Inc.
Name | The Corporation Trust |
Address | 32 South Street Balto. Md 21202 |
Address of Metromedia Steakhouses, Inc.
3661 Salem Ave., Dayton Oh 4540639° 47' 46.1" N | 84° 14' 50.7" W
Map for Metromedia Steakhouses, Inc.
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