Fabricare Draperies, Inc. - Rockville

11910 Parklawn Drive Rockville Md 20852

INCORPORATED Company Number: F01112267 Age: 44 years Foreign Corporation

Fabricare Draperies, Inc. Overview

Fabricare Draperies, Inc. is a Foreign Corporation from Rockville in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Fabricare Draperies, Inc. has the Maryland company number F01112267. It was incorporated 44 years ago on 8th February 1980.

You can find Fabricare Draperies, Inc. main office at 11910 Parklawn Drive, Rockville Md 20852. The agent of Fabricare Draperies, Inc. is The Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Ma, with registered office at 7 St. Paul Street Suite 820 Baltimore Md 21202.

Check other Fabricare companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Fabricare Draperies, Inc.

Fabricare Draperies, Inc.

Register Information of Fabricare Draperies, Inc.

Entity TitleFabricare Draperies, Inc.
State IDF01112267
Business TypeForeign Corporation
State CodeOrdinary Business - Stock
Business ConditionIncorporated
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date1980-02-08
Createdfourty-four years, ten months and fifteen days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is In Good Standing

Agent of Fabricare Draperies, Inc.

NameThe Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Ma
Address7 St. Paul Street Suite 820 Baltimore Md 21202

Address and Map of Fabricare Draperies, Inc.