Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc. - Lancaster

843 Park City Center Lancaster Pa 17584

INCORPORATED Company Number: F01564749 Age: 41 years Foreign Corporation

Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc. Overview

Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc. is a Foreign Corporation from Lancaster in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc. has the Maryland company number F01564749. It was incorporated 41 years ago on 4th August 1983.

You can find Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc. main office at 843 Park City Center, Lancaster Pa 17584. The agent of Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc. is N A C I, with registered office at 1720 Bethel Road Westminster Md 21157.

Check other Steinmetz companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc.

Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc.

Register Information of Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc.

Entity TitleSteinmetz Coins & Currency Inc.
State IDF01564749
Business TypeForeign Corporation
State CodeInterstate (Foreign)
Business ConditionIncorporated
Stock StatusN/A
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date1983-08-04
Createdfourty-one years, five months and one day ago
Good StandingThis Business Is Not In Good Standing

Agent of Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc.

NameN A C I
Address1720 Bethel Road Westminster Md 21157

Address and Map of Steinmetz Coins & Currency Inc.

843 Park City Center, Lancaster Pa 17584

40° 3' 54.3" N | 76° 20' 13.9" W