Mcwhorter, Inc.
5501 Lancaster Ave. Los Angeles Ca 90040
FORFEITED Company Number: F02848125 Age: 35 years Foreign CorporationMcwhorter, Inc. Overview
Mcwhorter, Inc. is a Foreign Corporation from Los Angeles in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Mcwhorter, Inc. has the Maryland company number F02848125. It was incorporated 35 years ago on 15th August 1989.You can find Mcwhorter, Inc. main office at 5501 Lancaster Ave., Los Angeles Ca 90040. The agent of Mcwhorter, Inc. is The Corporation Trust Incorporated, with registered office at 32 South Street Baltimore Md 21202.
Check other Mcwhorter companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Mcwhorter, Inc.
Entity Title | Mcwhorter, Inc. |
State | CA |
State ID | F02848125 |
Business Type | Foreign Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 1989-08-15 |
Created | thirty-five years, four months and fifteen days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Mcwhorter, Inc.
Name | The Corporation Trust Incorporated |
Address | 32 South Street Baltimore Md 21202 |
Address of Mcwhorter, Inc.
5501 Lancaster Ave., Los Angeles Ca 9004034° 3' 27.3" N | 118° 11' 33.4" W
Map for Mcwhorter, Inc.
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