Til-Tek Antennas Inc.
500 Van Buren Street Kemptville Ontario Cananda K0G1J0
FORFEITED Company Number: F05458781 Age: 25 years Foreign CorporationTil-Tek Antennas Inc. Overview
Til-Tek Antennas Inc. is a Foreign Corporation from Kemptville in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Til-Tek Antennas Inc. has the Maryland company number F05458781. It was incorporated 25 years ago on 23rd August 1999.You can find Til-Tek Antennas Inc. main office at 500 Van Buren Street, Kemptville, Ontario Cananda K0G1J0. The agent of Til-Tek Antennas Inc. is Wally Orlinsky, with registered office at 323 Homeland Southway Baltimore Md 21212.
Check other Til companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Til-Tek Antennas Inc.
Entity Title | Til-Tek Antennas Inc. |
State | FC |
State ID | F05458781 |
Business Type | Foreign Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 1999-08-23 |
Created | twenty-five years, four months and eight days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Til-Tek Antennas Inc.
Name | Wally Orlinsky |
Address | 323 Homeland Southway Baltimore Md 21212 |
Address of Til-Tek Antennas Inc.
500 Van Buren Street, Kemptville, Ontario Cananda K0G1J045° 1' 6.9" N | 75° 38' 3.2" W
Map for Til-Tek Antennas Inc.
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