Ashburn Contracting Corporation - Dulles

43760 Trade Center Place Suite 160 Dulles Va 20166

INCORPORATED Company Number: F12373494 Age: 16 years Foreign Corporation

Ashburn Contracting Corporation Overview

Ashburn Contracting Corporation is a Foreign Corporation from Dulles in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Ashburn Contracting Corporation has the Maryland company number F12373494. It was incorporated 16 years ago on 3rd February 2008.

You can find Ashburn Contracting Corporation main office at 43760 Trade Center Place, Suite 160, Dulles Va 20166. The agent of Ashburn Contracting Corporation is Jiovani Alves, with registered office at 2801 Marble Court District Heights Md 20747.

Check other Ashburn companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Ashburn Contracting Corporation

Ashburn Contracting Corporation

Register Information of Ashburn Contracting Corporation

Entity TitleAshburn Contracting Corporation
State IDF12373494
Business TypeForeign Corporation
State CodeOrdinary Business - Stock
Business ConditionIncorporated
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date2008-02-03
Createdsixteen years, ten months and seventeen days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is In Good Standing

Agent of Ashburn Contracting Corporation

NameJiovani Alves
Address2801 Marble Court District Heights Md 20747

Address and Map of Ashburn Contracting Corporation

43760 Trade Center Place, Suite 160, Dulles Va 20166

38° 58' 9.7" N | 77° 29' 22.9" W