Bennington School, Inc.
192 Fairview St Bennington Vt 05201
FORFEITED Company Number: F14015614 Age: 13 years Foreign CorporationBennington School, Inc. Overview
Bennington School, Inc. is a Foreign Corporation from Woodford in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Bennington School, Inc. has the Maryland company number F14015614. It was incorporated 13 years ago on 24th January 2011.You can find Bennington School, Inc. main office at 192 Fairview St, Bennington Vt 05201. The agent of Bennington School, Inc. is Burton H Lohnes, with registered office at 27 Bernadotte Ct Baltimore Md 21234.
Check other Bennington companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Bennington School, Inc.
Entity Title | Bennington School, Inc. |
State | VT |
State ID | F14015614 |
Business Type | Foreign Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 2011-01-24 |
Created | thirteen years, ten months and twenty-six days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Bennington School, Inc.
Name | Burton H Lohnes |
Address | 27 Bernadotte Ct Baltimore Md 21234 |
Address of Bennington School, Inc.
192 Fairview St, Bennington Vt 0520142° 53' 24.1" N | 73° 13' 15.6" W
Map for Bennington School, Inc.
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