Metro Fiber Networks, Inc. - Rockville

729 Monroe St #101 Rockville Md 20850

INCORPORATED Company Number: F14148175 Age: 13 years Foreign Corporation

Metro Fiber Networks, Inc. Overview

Metro Fiber Networks, Inc. is a Foreign Corporation from Rockville in Maryland, United States. The company is Incorporated. Metro Fiber Networks, Inc. has the Maryland company number F14148175. It was incorporated 13 years ago on 20th May 2011.

You can find Metro Fiber Networks, Inc. main office at 729 Monroe St #101, Rockville Md 20850. The agent of Metro Fiber Networks, Inc. is Brian Mcdermott, with registered office at 7248 Titonka Way Derwood Md 20855.

Check other Metro companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Metro Fiber Networks, Inc.

Metro Fiber Networks, Inc.

Register Information of Metro Fiber Networks, Inc.

Entity TitleMetro Fiber Networks, Inc.
State IDF14148175
Business TypeForeign Corporation
State CodePublic Utility And Railroad
Business ConditionIncorporated
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date2011-05-20
Createdthirteen years, seven months ago

Agent of Metro Fiber Networks, Inc.

NameBrian Mcdermott
Address7248 Titonka Way Derwood Md 20855

Address and Map of Metro Fiber Networks, Inc.

729 Monroe St #101, Rockville Md 20850

39° 4' 25.9" N | 77° 9' 15.6" W