Ks Design Remodeling, Inc. - Annandale

Apt 203 4514 Comons Dr Annandale Va 22003

CONVERTED Company Number: F14226401 Age: 13 years Foreign Corporation

Ks Design Remodeling, Inc. Overview

Ks Design Remodeling, Inc. is a Foreign Corporation from Annandale in Maryland, United States. The company is Converted. Ks Design Remodeling, Inc. has the Maryland company number F14226401. It was incorporated 13 years ago on 26th July 2011.

You can find Ks Design Remodeling, Inc. main office at Apt 203, 4514 Comons Dr, Annandale Va 22003. The agent of Ks Design Remodeling, Inc. is Maria Chung, with registered office at 5117 Sante Fe Ct Ellicott City Md 21043.

Check other Ks companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Ks Design Remodeling, Inc.

Ks Design Remodeling, Inc.

Register Information of Ks Design Remodeling, Inc.

Entity TitleKs Design Remodeling, Inc.
State IDF14226401
Business TypeForeign Corporation
State CodeOrdinary Business - Stock
Business ConditionConverted
Stock StatusStock
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date2011-07-26
Createdthirteen years, four months and twenty-nine days ago

Agent of Ks Design Remodeling, Inc.

NameMaria Chung
Address5117 Sante Fe Ct Ellicott City Md 21043

Address and Map of Ks Design Remodeling, Inc.

Apt 203, 4514 Comons Dr, Annandale Va 22003

38° 49' 30.6" N | 77° 12' 58.4" W