Workforce Strategies, Inc.
3497 S 9Th Street Kalamazoo Mi 49009
DISSOLVED Company Number: F14359293 Age: 13 years Foreign CorporationWorkforce Strategies, Inc. Overview
Workforce Strategies, Inc. is a Foreign Corporation from Maryland, United States. The company is Dissolved. Workforce Strategies, Inc. has the Maryland company number F14359293. It was incorporated 13 years ago on 27th October 2011.You can find Workforce Strategies, Inc. main office at 3497 S 9Th Street, Kalamazoo Mi 49009. The agent of Workforce Strategies, Inc. is The Corporation Trust Incorporated, with registered office at 351 West Camden Street Baltimore Md 21201-7912.
Check other Workforce companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Workforce Strategies, Inc.
Entity Title | Workforce Strategies, Inc. |
State | MI |
State ID | F14359293 |
Business Type | Foreign Corporation |
State Code | Ordinary Business - Stock |
Business Condition | Dissolved |
Stock Status | Stock |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 2011-10-27 |
Created | thirteen years, two months and five days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Workforce Strategies, Inc.
Name | The Corporation Trust Incorporated |
Address | 351 West Camden Street Baltimore Md 21201-7912 |
Address of Workforce Strategies, Inc.
3497 S 9Th Street, Kalamazoo Mi 49009Map for Workforce Strategies, Inc.
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