Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership - Clinton

8909 Old Branch Ave. Clinton Md 20753

ACTIVE Company Number: M03141751 Age: 34 years Domestic Lp

Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership Overview

Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership is a Domestic Lp from Clinton in Maryland, United States. The company is Active. Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership has the Maryland company number M03141751. It was incorporated 34 years ago on 28th December 1990.

You can find Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership main office at 8909 Old Branch Ave., Clinton Md 20753. The agent of Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership is Reynaldo L. Lee-Llacer, M.D., with registered office at 12009 Piney Meeting House Potomac Md 20854.

Check other Lee companies in Maryland.

Connected Companies and People with Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership

Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership

Register Information of Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership

Entity TitleLee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership
State IDM03141751
Business TypeDomestic Lp
State CodeEntities Other Than Corporations
Business ConditionActive
Stock StatusN/A
Close StatusUnknown
Start Date1990-12-28
Createdthirty-four years, four days ago
Good StandingThis Business Is In Good Standing

Agent of Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership

NameReynaldo L. Lee-Llacer, M.D.
Address12009 Piney Meeting House Potomac Md 20854

Address and Map of Lee-Llacer Family Limited Partnership

8909 Old Branch Ave., Clinton Md 20753

38° 46' 1.4" N | 76° 53' 58" W