Reservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii
1800 N. Charles St. Suite 202 Baltimore Md 21201
ACTIVE Company Number: M03533502 Age: 32 years Domestic LpReservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii Overview
Reservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii is a Domestic Lp from Baltimore in Maryland, United States. The company is Active. Reservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii has the Maryland company number M03533502. It was incorporated 32 years ago on 12th November 1992.You can find Reservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii main office at 1800 N. Charles St., Suite 202, Baltimore Md 21201. The agent of Reservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii is Harold M. Hersch, with registered office at Suite 202 1800 N. Charles Street Baltimore Md 21201.
Check other Reservoir companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Reservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii
Entity Title | Reservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii |
State | MD |
State ID | M03533502 |
Business Type | Domestic Lp |
State Code | Entities Other Than Corporations |
Business Condition | Active |
Stock Status | N/A |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 1992-11-12 |
Created | thirty-two years, one month and twenty-four days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Reservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii
Name | Harold M. Hersch |
Address | Suite 202 1800 N. Charles Street Baltimore Md 21201 |
Address of Reservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii
1800 N. Charles St., Suite 202, Baltimore Md 2120117 companies at this address
39° 18' 36" N | 76° 37' 0.7" W
Map for Reservoir Hill Limited Partnership Viii
Other "reservoir" companies
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2511 Eutaw Place Baltimore Md 21217 - Reservoir Hill Cooperative, Inc.
831 N Calvert St Baltimore Md 21201 - Reservoir Hill Community Council, Incorporated
814 Whitelock St. Baltimore Md 00000 - Reservoir Hill Community Association, Inc.
2418 Eutaw Place Baltimore Md 21217 - Reservoir Hill Coalition, Inc.
803 Whitelock St, Main Flr Baltimore Md 21217 - Reservoir High School Ptsa, Inc.
11550 Scaggsville Rd Fulton Md 20759 - Reservoir High School Music Boosters, Inc.
11550 Scaggsville Road Fulton Md 20759-2206 - Reservoir High School Boosters Association, Incorporated
Reservoir High School 11550 Scaggsville Road Fulton Md 20759 - Reservoir Heights Llc
2700 Philadelphi Road Edgewood Md 21040
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