Foundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership
9690 Deerco Road, Suite 820 Timonium Md 21093
ACTIVE Company Number: M03583028 Age: 31 years Domestic LpFoundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership Overview
Foundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership is a Domestic Lp from Lutherville-Timonium in Maryland, United States. The company is Active. Foundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership has the Maryland company number M03583028. It was incorporated 31 years ago on 20th January 1993.You can find Foundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership main office at 9690 Deerco Road, Suite 820, Timonium Md 21093. The agent of Foundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership is Howard B. Miller, with registered office at Saul Ewing Llp Suite 800 500 East Pratt Street Baltimore Md 21202.
Check other Foundation companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Foundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership
Entity Title | Foundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership |
State | MD |
State ID | M03583028 |
Business Type | Domestic Lp |
State Code | Entities Other Than Corporations |
Business Condition | Active |
Stock Status | N/A |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 1993-01-20 |
Created | thirty-one years, eleven months and seven days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Foundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership
Name | Howard B. Miller |
Address | Saul Ewing Llp Suite 800 500 East Pratt Street Baltimore Md 21202 |
Address of Foundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership
9690 Deerco Road, Suite 820, Timonium Md 2109339° 27' 15" N | 76° 38' 24.7" W
Map for Foundation Properties-Greenbelt Limited Partnership
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