Clayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law
Clayton A Mitchell, Arrorney -At-Law 931 Merriweather Way Severn Md 21144
ACTIVE Company Number: W06144620 Age: 23 years Domestic LlcClayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law Overview
Clayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law is a Domestic Llc from Maryland, United States. The company is Active. Clayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law has the Maryland company number W06144620. It was incorporated 23 years ago on 12th January 2001.You can find Clayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law main office at Clayton A Mitchell, Arrorney -At-Law, 931 Merriweather Way, Severn Md 21144. The agent of Clayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law is Clayton A Mitchell, Arrorney -At-Law, with registered office at 931 Merriweather Way Severn Md 21144.
Check other Clayton companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Clayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law
Entity Title | Clayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law |
State | MD |
State ID | W06144620 |
Business Type | Domestic Llc |
State Code | Entities Other Than Corporations |
Business Condition | Active |
Stock Status | N/A |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 2001-01-12 |
Created | twenty-three years, eleven months and fourteen days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is In Good Standing |
Agent of Clayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law
Name | Clayton A Mitchell, Arrorney -At-Law |
Address | 931 Merriweather Way Severn Md 21144 |
Address of Clayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law
Clayton A Mitchell, Arrorney -At-Law, 931 Merriweather Way, Severn Md 21144Map for Clayton A Mitchell, Attorney-At-Law
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