Silverman Stables, Llc
505 Progress Drive Linthicum Md 21090
DISSOLVED Company Number: W07521396 Age: 21 years Domestic LlcSilverman Stables, Llc Overview
Silverman Stables, Llc is a Domestic Llc from Linthicum Heights in Maryland, United States. The company is Dissolved. Silverman Stables, Llc has the Maryland company number W07521396. It was incorporated 21 years ago on 7th August 2003.You can find Silverman Stables, Llc main office at 505 Progress Drive, Linthicum Md 21090. The agent of Silverman Stables, Llc is David Silverman, with registered office at 505 Progress Drive Linthicum Md 21090.
Check other Silverman companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Silverman Stables, Llc
Entity Title | Silverman Stables, Llc |
State | MD |
State ID | W07521396 |
Business Type | Domestic Llc |
State Code | Entities Other Than Corporations |
Business Condition | Dissolved |
Stock Status | N/A |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 2003-08-07 |
Created | twenty-one years, four months and twenty-six days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Silverman Stables, Llc
Name | David Silverman |
Address | 505 Progress Drive Linthicum Md 21090 |
Address of Silverman Stables, Llc
505 Progress Drive, Linthicum Md 210902 companies at this address
39° 12' 56.4" N | 76° 40' 28.8" W
Map for Silverman Stables, Llc
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