Command Consulting Group, Llc
5916 Bradley Blvd. Bethesda Md 20814
FORFEITED Company Number: W12187464 Age: 17 years Domestic LlcCommand Consulting Group, Llc Overview
Command Consulting Group, Llc is a Domestic Llc from Bethesda in Maryland, United States. The company is Forfeited. Command Consulting Group, Llc has the Maryland company number W12187464. It was incorporated 17 years ago on 19th October 2007.You can find Command Consulting Group, Llc main office at 5916 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda Md 20814. The agent of Command Consulting Group, Llc is Steven A. Ateiss, with registered office at 5916 Bradley Blvd. Bethesda Md 20814.
Check other Command companies in Maryland.
Register Information of Command Consulting Group, Llc
Entity Title | Command Consulting Group, Llc |
State | MD |
State ID | W12187464 |
Business Type | Domestic Llc |
State Code | Entities Other Than Corporations |
Business Condition | Forfeited |
Stock Status | N/A |
Close Status | Unknown |
Start Date | 2007-10-19 |
Created | seventeen years, two months and eleven days ago |
Good Standing | This Business Is Not In Good Standing |
Agent of Command Consulting Group, Llc
Name | Steven A. Ateiss |
Address | 5916 Bradley Blvd. Bethesda Md 20814 |
Address of Command Consulting Group, Llc
5916 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda Md 2081438° 59' 33.6" N | 77° 7' 8.9" W
Map for Command Consulting Group, Llc
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James Mcdiarmid 8840 Greenwood Place Savage Md 20763 - Command Alkon Incorporated
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108W 3801 Kenilworth Ave Bladensburg Md 20710 - Command Center, Inc.
3609 S. Wadsworth Blvd #250 Lakewood Co 80235 - Command Cargo Corporation
James Mcdiarmid 5215 Hesperus Drive Columbia Md 21044 - Command Computer Station, Inc.
Suite D 1900 Landsdowne Road Halethorpe Md 21227 - Command Computer Services, Inc.
Suite D 1900 Lansdowne Road Halethorpe Md 21227
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